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Golf plans in Santander










Alcohol not included
LiveColombia customer services end after dinner and transport back home. An independent event coordinator can be suggested for those looking to keep the night going post dinner.
Tee Times are subject to course availability.
Prices are in Canadian, but our credit card service is in Colombian Pesos.
The majority of instructors, caddy’s and staff you will interact with only speak Spanish. Though golf may be a universal language, it is important to set your expectations.

Walker Lee
" I played in the Colombian Classic in Bucaramanga, Colombia in May of 2023. It was a very special week for me and it was amazing to play in front of such wonderful fans and the golf community of Bucaramanga.
The Ruitoque golf course was a tough but fair course and Bucaramanga is a beautiful city with very friendly people. I can’t wait to come back."

Max Sekulic
I met Jordan Sharon during a tournament stop in Bucaramanga, Colombia. It was awesome of Jordan to seek out the Canadian golfers on tour and we had the opportunity to enjoy a really nice dinner in town. Jordan helped arrange for us transport to the airport for our early morning flight and I appreciate how he made every effort to make us feel at home while in Bucaramanga.

Joey Savoie
As part of the Latin PGA Tour, I was blown away by the beauty of the Ruitoque golf course. Surrounded by majestic mountains, city and nature views, every hole in the Ruitqoue golf course feels South American. I also had the opportunity to take a tour into the mountains near Bucaramanga and what a fantastic experience that was. From coffee farms, adventure sports, food and hiking, there’s a lot going on in the area of Bucaramanga. I was impressed.
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